Activities of Cordillera Green Network (CGN)

CGN works to protect the environment in the mountainous areas of the Cordillera region through forestry, agriculture, education, and energy conservation. We are active in a variety of fields, including:

1.  Afforestation & Agroforestry

We are planting trees suited to our project sites to prevent landslides and recharge water sources. In particular, we are focusing on the planting of native Philippine species. We also provide technical guidance on agroforestry, which protects the environment and improves residents' livelihoods in mountainous regions. Planting materials are also provided. In the higher elevation areas, we focus on growing Arabica coffee.

2.  Improving the quality of coffee

The arabica coffee produced in the agroforestry project, which CGN has taught to grow, is a high quality coffee. To ensure this, we provide training in the processing, drying, sorting and storing after harvest. We also provide guidance in pest and disease control during cultivation and in the pruning of old trees.

3.  Environmental Education Workshop

We conduct environmental education workshops for children and teachers to help them understand the value of the abundant nature of the mountain region. We also have a unique program that utilizes both theater and art.

4.  Environmental and International Exchange Events

Through study tours and environmental events, we aim to raise awareness on the importance of environmental issues and conservation in the Cordillera region. 

5.  Sustainable Agriculture & Energy

We teach farmers techniques such as composting and wood vinegar production using materials available in the communities.

6.  Green Scholarship Program

This is a scholarship program for Indigenous students. However, applications are no longer being accepted at this time.

7.  Support for Disaster Recovery

We support areas affected by natural disasters such as typhoons. We provide emergency relief in the form of material aid as well as long-term support.

8.  Production and Publication of Environmental Education Materials

We produce and distribute environmental education materials that are adapted to the culture, nature, societies and customs of the Cordillera region.

9.  Fairtrade

We export to the fair trade market in Japan the Arabica coffee produced in the project area. By continuing to purchase the product at a fair price, we are helping to maintain a stable livelihood for the indigenous people.

In 2017, CGN established Kapi Tako Social Enterprise as its marketing arm. Coffee trading and exports are conducted through this social enterprise.